Directions to the McCracken County Soccer Complex
From I-24 take Exit 4
Turn east on Hwy 60 – Hinkleville Road
(This should take you away from KY Oaks Mall)
Turn left onto Coleman Road
(Between Bob Evans & McDonalds)
Follow Coleman Rd past 2 sets of railroad tracks then
Turn right on County Park Rd.
(If you pass Petter Supply or the County Road Dept Office, you have gone too far.)
The soccer fields can be seen on the left from County Park Road
The closest GPS directions are by using the County Road Dept. Address.
3700 Coleman Rd Paducah, KY 42001
Click Here For Field Locations Inside the Complex
Directions to Mike Miller Park in Marshall County (596 US-68, Benton, KY 42025)
From I-24 take Purchase Parkway to the Draffenville Exit.
Go west on Hwy 68 a half mile and the entrance to Mike Miller will be on the right.
The soccer fields are all the way in the back of the complex.
Directions to Calvert City Memorial Park (1600 5th Ave SE, Calvert City, KY 42029)
From I-24 East to exit 25B Purchase Parkway North thru the Hwy 62 Intersection.
The road turns into Oak Park Blvd.
At the next stop sign turn left and immediately turn left into Memorial Park
Soccer fields are right off the road.